Monday, May 23, 2011

Good news from the OB

Just a quick update about today's OB appointment!

Emalyn is looking good, with a strong and steady heartbeat. My belly is measuring a little on the small side for how far along we are, but the obstetrician didn't seem very concerned, and said it was still within the normal range. Just to be on the safe side, I have an ultrasound scheduled for June 3rd where they will measure her to be sure she's still growing as she should. Also, because of my history with Juliet, they are going to start seeing me for regular OB visits every two weeks now, instead of every four. I think this is when most obstetricians increase visits to every two weeks, but military doctors usually don't until after you've hit 36 weeks. Anyway, I'm happy they'll be seeing me more often, and that they're doing the ultrasound next week. It helps put my mind at ease knowing that they will be watching Emalyn's grown closely, as well as my progress. After all, I've got to stay pregnant until Matt gets home and Kaitlin gets out here ;)

I also got a few answers today about what I can expect once I go into labor, some good news and some not so great. The obstetrician assured me that they'll be monitoring Emalyn very closely while I'm in labor. I asked him if this meant continuous fetal monitoring, and he said it did. I'm a little bummed about that, because I'd much prefer to be able to get in and out of bed as I like while I'm in labor, rather than be tied down by monitors. Everything I've read or heard about labor says that being able to stand up helps tremendously, since my body can work with gravity to help bring the baby down. On the plus side, however- He told me that they will not make me have a catheter (woohoo!!!), which means that I'll have to unhook myself from the monitors and walk to the restroom whenever I have to pee. Hm.. I plan on drinking a LOT that day... I'm also planning on staying home as long as I can once I go into labor so that I'll be able to spend less time actually at the hospital.

We got our "stork parking" pass for the hospital today! I can't believe we're close enough to be able to park in the special spots they've reserved for women in labor!! We're almost there!

Anyway, overall good news from the obstetrician today! I'll update again after our ultrasound next Friday! (Hopefully with pictures of Emalyn!)

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