Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We're Pregnant!! (Again!)

I took this pregnancy test tonight, completely on a whim. I honestly can't tell you what made me do it. Juliet is almost 10 months old now, and since I'm still breastfeeding her (for now anyway), I wasn't sure I could get pregnant at all yet. Obviously, I knew there was a chance, but I never expected it to actually happen.

Matt is a little over 3 months done with his deployment, and was home from October 19- October 30 on emergency leave after his grandfather passed. So sometime in those 11 days, Baby Reif #2 was conceived.

Anyway, like I said, I took the test on a whim. I had spent the evening with Mum, Matt's grandma, and had just said goodnight and headed over to 'my side' (She has a 2-bedroom apartment in her house where Juliet and I are staying while Daddy is gone). I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and for whatever reason, I decided to take the test that had been sitting under the bathroom sink for months, since before I moved back to Florida actually. While waiting those long, long few minutes for the test to give its answer, I was kicking myself for wasting it, because surely, it was way too early for it to give me a result (if by some crazy chance I was pregnant). Afterall, Matt just left for Afghanistan 3 days ago! Needless to say, I was shocked. Speechless. Dumbfounded.

I'm still not sure what to think. All I know for sure is that I need to talk to Matt, now. Of course, he's still traveling back to his camp, so who knows when I'll be able to hear from him. I'm hoping it's soon, because keeping this secret is going to kill me.

I have a million thoughts crashing around in my head: When can I tell Matt? How do I tell Matt? Juliet is going to be a big sister. I need to talk to Matt. I need to make a doctor's appointment. If Pa hadn't died when he did, I wouldn't be pregnant now. If the Army hadn't let Matt come home, I wouldn't be pregnant now. I really need to talk to Matt. I'm PREGNANT!? Am I going to have the baby in Florida or Hawaii?

Underneath all of my crashing, rambling thoughts, I'm very excited though. Hands shaking-almost nauseous-can't think straight excited. But excited nonetheless.

I can't believe I'm pregnant.

I think I'll head out first thing in the morning to grab another test and make sure.

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