Monday, March 7, 2011

Things are looking good!!

Just wanted to write a quick update about the ultrasound last week! I had heard there was a chance that the placenta could move upwards before the end of the pregnancy, but I had assumed that it would be a gradual thing. Apparently, it doesn't have to be gradual! We got lucky, and the placenta has already moved away from the cervix, enough that the high risk specialist I was referred to said that "the pregnancy looks perfect" and there's no reason to keep seeing her! Talk about a relief!!

I also think it's neat to see how similar Emalyn and Juliet look. The picture of Juliet was taken when she was about 10 days old.
Emalyn is doing fantastic, growing bigger and kicking all the time! One of my favorite things to do is just sit back and watch my belly jump all over the place as she's playing. Of course, with a toddler who is constantly trying to explore every corner of the house (Currently, my friend, Sheena's, house) I don't always get to just sit down and stare at my belly for very long. That's alright though, it makes those special moments when I do even more special!
Juliet loves to come snuggle up on my belly, almost like she's giving her sister a hug. It's so sweet. I am always telling her that her baby sister is in there, although I'm pretty sure she's too young to understand. When I do say "there's a baby in there!" she tries to pull my skin, like its a piece of clothing she's trying to look under, haha! She also plays with my belly button all the time still, which is really cute to watch!
I'm still feeling great! I get tired if I've been running around a lot, and I still find myself going to bed pretty early these days, but aside from that, everything is wonderful! My appetite is huge, and I constantly feel like I should be eating. I try to stick with the healthier foods, but I've had a major sweet tooth lately. Ice cream, cinnamon buns, and chocolate chip cookies especially! I'm still gaining weight pretty steadily, although still much faster than I did with Juliet! I weighed 115.5lbs on March 2nd, a total of almost 12lbs gained so far this pregnancy.
We have our next OB visit on Wednesday, so we'll see where we're at then. After that, Emalyn is going on her first plane ride! We're headed up to Missouri to visit Matt's aunt and uncle again! We're all so excited!

1 comment:

  1. I have that picture of Juliet on my desk at work!
