Friday, March 25, 2011

Packing on the Pounds!

Juliet, Emalyn, and I have been very busy lately. Just a few days ago, we got back from almost two weeks in Missouri, visiting the Libbys. We had a great time, and it was so nice to get away and relax for a while! Of course, that means that now I'm super busy, haha!

Kelly and Jon's wedding is in 8 days, and Juliet and I will be flying to South Carolina for that next Thursday! We're so excited that we're able to be there for such a special day!! I couldn't be happier for my big sister, she's found an amazing man to marry! I'm lucky I'll be able to call him a brother next weekend.

About two weeks after we get home from the wedding, Juliet and I will be moving back to Hawaii to anxiously await Matt's return and Emalyn's arrival! We have lots of packing to do before then, between visiting with friends and family before we leave, of course! I'm hoping that things will go smoothly once we arrive in Hawaii, and we won't have to wait long for a house on post to move into! The sooner we can get settled, the better!

We're 25 weeks into the pregnancy today! Only 15 weeks until Emalyn's due date! According to my weekly email from BabyCenter, she's over 13 inches long, and weighs about a pound and a half!! What's scary to me, is that Juliet was born at 34 weeks, which is only 9 weeks from where we are now. I'm hoping that once we're settled in our new house in Hawaii, I'll be able to rest as much as possible and make sure Emalyn stays put a little longer than her big sister did!

We had our 22 week check-up on March 9th, and everything is looking good. I'm definitely gaining weight at this point, though! From my previous appointment four weeks earlier, I had gained 10 pounds!! My obstetrician was a little bit surprised by that number, and actually double- and triple-checked my weight on the scale. At this point in the pregnancy, I should be gaining about a pound a week, and I had gained two and a half times that. She said she wasn't too concerned just yet, especially since I was underweight to begin with. She expects that at our next appointment on April 6, my weight gain won't be nearly as drastic, if I gain any weight at all. I can tell from the scale at home, though, that I've already put on 4 to 5 pounds since then. We'll see what my obstetrician has to say about that in a week and a half!

With my body growing and changing as quickly as it is, I figured it would be a good time to go through my clothes and pack up anything that no longer fits to be shipped to Hawaii. I was a little shocked when I was done, and 90% of my clothes were gone. I hadn't realized just how big my belly had grown until I saw it peeking out from underneath almost every shirt I own! But hey, that will make packing our suitcases much, much easier!!

For the most part, I'm still feeling good and enjoying my pregnancy, although I have hit that point where my energy is starting to fade a little, and sleep is hard to come by. I've been feeling like I need a nap in the afternoons to get through most days, although I usually don't take advantage of the opportunity to sleep when it arises. There's always something else that needs to be done! At night, I don't usually have trouble falling asleep, but I've been waking up two or three times a night because I'm uncomfortable and need to roll over and reposition all of my pillows in order to get comfortable again. Of course, by the time I get myself situated, I realize that I really have to pee. So I'll get up, go pee, and get back into bed and try to get comfortable again. Once I'm comfortable, my stomach will start growling at me, telling me that I'm starving, because it's been more than 3 hours since my last meal. I'll lay in bed and try to ignore my stomach, and when I've just about fallen back asleep, Emalyn will wake up and start pounding on me as hard as she possibly can (which at this point, is very hard!). By the time I fall back asleep, I've been awake for at least an hour. It's frustrating, but I know that once she's born, none of these little frustrations will matter! Either that, or I'll be so exhausted from waking up several times a night to feed her that I won't be able to remember, haha!

I'll try to keep updating as often as possible, but with everything going on over the next few weeks, I'm not making any promises!

I'll wrap up this post by saying a huge Congratulations to Matt, who is being promoted to Sergeant next week!! Jules, Emmy, and I are so very proud!

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