Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hello, Old Friends

I'm guessing I'm around six weeks pregnant now, and my dear old friends, Exhaustion and Nausea, have stopped in to say 'Hello.' Yay. I've spent the past few days falling asleep on couches and fighting wave after nauseous wave, but thankfully haven't gotten sick. Yet. I'm still holding out hope that this pregnancy will be much easier than my first. They're supposed to be different, right??

I've been window shopping for double strollers lately. I think I've found the one I'm going to get! It's the exact same stroller as the one I have now (which I love), except its a double. It has awesome reviews (which is super important!!), and it's relatively affordable. Then, I had this thought that I can't seem to get out of my head: What if I'm having twins??? I'll need a triple stroller! A triple stroller?! Yikes. Three babies under two years old? BIG yikes. Surely there is only one baby in there :)

Juliet and I got back today from our visit to Aunt Kelly's. We had a great time, and I was so happy to be able to share the news of Baby Reif #2 with her in person. I also finally had the chance to meet her fiance, Jon, for the first time. I'm definitely very happy for her, he seems like a great guy. Jules loved him too!

The day before we left for Georgia, I had my first OB appointment. Everything went well- It was a regular exam, followed by the standard pregnancy blood work. Thankfully, everything looks normal. I have a dating ultrasound on November 30 so that we can find out for sure how far along I am, and get a due date for our new little one (and make sure there is just one baby). I pretty much can't wait. We also discussed the possibility of attempting a VBAC, since I'd much rather avoid another surgery if possible. The midwife I saw said that usually, they automatically do a repeat c-section if they have no history with the patient. Um, I have a bit of a problem with that. But, the midwives and doctors will review my medical records from Tripler at their next "High Risk Patient" meeting, and see if they feel comfortable allowing me to attempt a VBAC. I really hope that they will. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they have to say, or possibly shop around for a different practice?

Also, because I'm a little crazy sometimes (and because I had an extra test under the sink again) I took one last test before my appointment, about a week after the last ones:

I think it's safe to say, I'm definitely pregnant :)

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